Like many teachers, I am always finding ways to improve my teaching practice and give students the best education possible. I want students to feel accountable for their learning, yet provide a structured and engaging learning environment. One of my goals this year was to implement math stations in my classroom. Although it has been a success so far this year, I still have so much to learn.
Along with the other grades at the elementary level, I use the EngageNY math curriculum. EngageNY has many components, but implementing math stations is something that I had to be creative on my own, along with teacher collaboration. It has been a lot of trial and error, but that is teaching! On a typical day, my students are split into 2-3 groups, depending on what is needed at the time. Student groupings are based on skill level and “teacher time” is differentiated. When students work independently they work on a variety of skills such as math fluency, repeated practice of skills, or number sense activities. These skills are practiced through the use of manipulatives, hands-on activities, and technology. The great part of math stations is that the groups are flexible - they are always changing based on what students need!
Students have really enjoyed math stations. They have given students the sense of independence, choice, ownership, a challenge, and pride in their learning.