Dwan Morris

Dawn Morris, Food Service Director

A glimpse through the lunch line at the Middle School/High School and you will notice an array of bright colors on display. The Salad Bar (more recently referred to as our fruit and veggie bar) now offers an overflowing bounty of fresh fruits and vegetables in varying colors, shapes and sizes for students to try each day.

The Food Service Department has been on a mission this year to offer and expose our students to fresh, delicious (and sometimes new to the student) fruits and raw vegetables. Knowing the valuable nutrients these items have to offer our students makes this a priority. They’ve regularly enjoyed items such as fresh pineapple, strawberries and kiwi. Our students and staff especially enjoyed the locally made apple chips. Vegetables included staples such as fresh romaine, tomatoes, and cauliflower, while introducing locally grown carrots and other raw, fresh vegetables. While our elementary students may not have access to a fruit and veggie bar, fresh fruits and vegetables are offered regularly on the menu in a concerted effort to bring these delicious and beneficial foods to our younger students.

For the last two years, our District has had the opportunity to participate in a Local Food for Schools Grant that paired us with a local food hub to aid in the procurement of local foods. This allowed us to source fresh and locally grown food that we may not normally have access to. As a department, we aim to continue to offer and expand on the availability of these fruits and vegetables to our students and staff in the coming years, helping build beneficial habits that last a lifetime.